Well..I mentioned before that we were going to Lackawanna, but we actually ended up going to Syracuse. There was a sudden change of plan, since some brother in Syracuse was already expecting our coming. He even took a day off work to spend time with us, so we thought it would be inappropriate to turn him down. Khair insyaAllah (as Br. Kamran always says). We left after 'Asr on the 2-hour journey. On our way, we stopped by an R&R and prayed Maghrib at the parking lot there. This is a usual thing in jama'ah since we don't have masjid or surau every 500 meters here like we have back home. We even pray in the snow if we have to. Below are some of the moments captured with my new iPhone phone.
the current look of Syracuse MasjidThe next morning, the other rooms were all occupied for the day's event, so our ta'alim had to be done in a conference room, in the round-table style. We thought our ta'alim was upgraded since we were sitting on the chairs now instead of the floor. But then 'amir sab told us that it has actually been downgraded since it is not similar to the way prophet Muhammad saw did it. But never mind, khair insyaAllah..=)
Sunday school's graduation & prize giving ceremonyThis was the event, held to celebrate the kids graduating from the Sunday school here. 'Amir sab decided to stop our ta'alim midway through and join the gathering, upon request from the local brothers. At the end of the event, the kids were all delighted to get their prizes from the teachers. The prizes given were different achievement-wise; the better students got the bigger prizes. One of them was lucky enough to get a remote control car as the grand prize winner (jeles2). Later after the event, we had food with the kids. When I was talking with the kids, I was quite surprised by how bright and sharp-minded they were. If I hadn't been careful enough I would have been made fun of by them..huhu. I've always loved being with kids. This reminds me of my 6-year-old little brother back home. I'm always amused by how he hates talking to me on the phone, just because he cannot see me. I never get to talk much to him before he passes the phone to my mom. How dare he hang up on me, I'll teach him a lesson when I get home.
For jaulah, a local brother took us to several corner stores, where we met some Yamanese and Somali brothers. We also stopped by a Bosnian neighborhood on the way back to the masjid. Some of the kids from above ended up spending the night with our jama'ah. Imam was a little worried about this but then we assured him that everything was gonna be fine..and it really did turn out fine.
kids enjoying late-night supper, aka early breakfastThey had been really helpful in finishing all the food. This is the lower floor of the masjid, which functions as an "indoor court" for the kids. They wouldn't be sitting still down here.
cai (teh), a must-have when Pakistani brothers are around
a muslim cemetery across the street from the masjidAn awkward incident happened to me. I was on khidmah (serving) with 'amir sab. Unfortunately the sink in the kitchen was clogged and had been out of use. So we had to do all the washing in the washroom. One time, the men's washroom was pretty much occupied, so 'amir sab asked me to use the ladies' washroom instead. Since it was late in the afternoon and I was pretty certain no ladies would be coming, I went on with the idea. But then, when I was in the middle of washing at the sink, the door was opened and a girl came in. I was like..hm..and I hurried out right away leaving the pinggan mangkuk behind. I never even looked at her. Later when 'amir sab asked me; "Are you done with the dishes?" I replied; "There is a girl in the washroom." Looking at me, he said half-laughing; "Well, you got caught red-handed huh?" I said; "Yeah..(thanks for the idea)" Luckily he didn't say "khair insyaAllah" this time.
Leaving the masjid, we paid a quick visit to a muslim cemetery just across the street. We made du'a for the muslim brothers and sisters who had left ahead of us. May their temporary dwellings be gardens from the gardens of paradise insyaAllah. Sooner or later, we too, will be joining you brothers. We all had fun..the kids even wished that we could have stayed longer.
Related post:
Youngsters at Syracuse