Subhanallah..may Allah swt reward you Sheikh for your unbiased clarification. It is hard really to find a pure-hearted 'alim like you nowadays, when the line between the true scholars and the worldly scholars has been blurred. We don't go on TV or all that we hear about this effort are the negatives. Then you came forth giving your truest sincere opinion, despite not being directly involved yourself. This means the world to us..
Syeikh Nuruddin al Banjari:
Penerangan Tentang Jemaah Tabligh (1)
Syeikh Nuruddin al Banjari:
Penerangan Tentang Jemaah Tabligh (2)
Penerangan Tentang Jemaah Tabligh (2)
None can grant understanding other than Allah swt alone. To those who are stepping into this effort, don't get discouraged by those negative comments you hear around. The criticism has been going on for the longest of time, but Allah swt has kept this effort until now..and by His will millions are benefiting from it. One thing to remember for myself and others insyaAllah; This effort will not be brought down by those outside, because it is in the protection of Allah..but it is those who are inside who are the greatest threat to it. So lets try our best not to be a fitna to this precious effort. To me personally, this effort is a GIFT in this edge of fahsya' and munkar.
p/s: Allah swt adalah Pemelihara kepada yang HAK..KEBATILAN tidak akan kekal di muka bumi. Semoga Allah merahmati sesiapa sahaja yang berusaha untuk menegakkan agama-Nya di medan dakwah dgn apa-apa cara pun..wallahua'lam. =)
p/s: Allah swt adalah Pemelihara kepada yang HAK..KEBATILAN tidak akan kekal di muka bumi. Semoga Allah merahmati sesiapa sahaja yang berusaha untuk menegakkan agama-Nya di medan dakwah dgn apa-apa cara pun..wallahua'lam. =)