
Assalamu'alaikum. Welcome to this plain, mediocrely designed hut of mine. I love to write, and this is where I write. Things that I write, there might be mistakes in them. I seek refuge in Allah swt for me and you from the harm my writing may bring. Any good from it, may He swt reward me for that and spread the good to others. Any words that appear displeasing to you, don't take it to heart for I don't intend to hurt anyone in any way. Any advices I put forward, may Allah swt give me the taufiq to first act upon them, for they might testify against me in the hereafter. Jazakallah Khair.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

read & write

I haven't been writing up here as often as I used to, but I certainly have been writing a LOT this few weeks back. Besides, I guess this is one of those times for a blogger when production is not as fruitful..^^ Credits to this writing class I'm taking, I feel like my mind has "expanded" from too much cognitive work. As much as I like to write, I actually had a wobbly history with writing classes. I remember dropping a class and withdrawing from another a few quarters back, merely because of this lousy thought that "I am not in the mood" to write. Now when I think back to that, I don't think I'm any more zealous to write right now than I was back then. But don't get the wrong idea. I'm not planning on withdrawing this time (considering the tremendous effort I've put into this course) insyaAllah. My professor is making me read and write a LOT. I've been either staying up late or waking up early (or both) every other day to finish all the homework before class. But I'm glad that she finally came to realize how much she has made us do. One time she said in class; "You know what? When I looked back to the homework that I've given you..I just's a LOT. You guys are doing really really great with your assignments. You should be proud of yourself. Congratulations! Do you feel good about it?" And the class was like "Um..Uh..Yeah.." Well, at least she does acknowledge our commitment to her class..and I must say I kinda like her style..^^ and I'm glad I have my housemate taking this class with me..otherwise, it would have been even harder on me.

p/s: I called mom the other day. Hearing her voice, it relieved my longing for home a bit..=)