It's..good to be back. I came back to Rochester to a big loss. Br. Kamran, the Pakistani software engineer who has been with us since I first came here has moved to Chicago on a workplace shift. A couple days before I left for Malaysia, I was not feeling I didn't get to say my farewell to him. Now I'm back to his absence. But that's the reality of this life, people come and go..and in fact, ultimately, we all will have to go. People meet and people part. The only different is whether the meeting and parting are done for the sake of Allah or for some worldly gaining. Hopefully ours have been for his pleasure alone. If we were a soccer team, I would say Br. Kamran is the playmaker. That's how significant he is in our so-called jaulah team. Anyway, the dakwah work here has to go on, with or without him. If you lose a playmaker, then you gotta find a new one, but the game has to continue. Like what the elders are saying, you should do this effort of dakwah to the extent that even if all the syeikh were to leave it, you will still do it. After all, dakwah is first for yourself. InsyaAllah we'll be paying him a visit this coming Winter break and spend some time in khuruj there at once.
It's my final year here at RIT..can't wait to have it all done and be unemployed..haha. I didn't set high hopes to graduate with highest honors or anything..enough to be able to graduate and get a decent job..insyaAllah. Anything more, I would regard it as a bonus. Now, there might be someone who is curious about what I did in my Summer break out there..well, it was wonderful..mostly due to the fact that I got to fast the entire Ramadhan and celebrate Eidul Fitri with my family..after 2 years. You wouldn't want to know what I did throughout the was filled with laxity and laziness. I hope all my friends had a wonderful break to leave behind. Maybe the only thing that is worth mentioning is there were a lot of jama'ahs going out in khuruj around the area, and among those was a three-day jama'ah that came to my home masjid. The least I could do was assist them in any way possible throughout their stay. Too bad I didn't get to spend any time in khuruj myself. Hm..perhaps the following pics would better describe what I went through during my break.
My lovely little niece and nephew working on the jigsaw puzzles I bought them. This was at my sister's place in Klang, before I actually returned to my hometown in Sg. Manik.
They may have almost everything here in the US, but do they have this? No they don't.
The thing I enjoyed the most was picking on this little fuss maker. This little brother of mine, he is such a hyper! Even I have trouble keeping up with him. His coming was a little 'overdue'..he's the same age as Naim. But thanks to that, at least my mom has someone to keep her company while I'm away. =)
This was the 2nd candidate on my to-bully list. Our first GoGo died of old age, so this one was named after my little sister. He voluntarily hopped and squeezed in. I thought he wanted to come with me..or perhaps he was reluctant to let me go.

Teluk Intan Science School's 19th batch Raya reunion
It's always a great thing to be able to meet up with old friends and catch up on old things.
It's always a great thing to be able to meet up with old friends and catch up on old things.
Well..that's pretty much of it. I don't know if someone would find a bachelor's holidays tale interesting at all..oh, perhaps a bachelorette would? hehe. Looking forward to my next khuruj! =)