
Assalamu'alaikum. Welcome to this plain, mediocrely designed hut of mine. I love to write, and this is where I write. Things that I write, there might be mistakes in them. I seek refuge in Allah swt for me and you from the harm my writing may bring. Any good from it, may He swt reward me for that and spread the good to others. Any words that appear displeasing to you, don't take it to heart for I don't intend to hurt anyone in any way. Any advices I put forward, may Allah swt give me the taufiq to first act upon them, for they might testify against me in the hereafter. Jazakallah Khair.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the status of a muslim

Still dealing with the remnants of my fever. I need to get better before my presentation day this coming Monday. I wonder why I feel all worked up about this presentation thing. It's not that I've never done a presentation before. Oh..Perhaps my endocrine system has got a little shaky from the fever that the wrong hormones are being secreted at the wrong amount. Hm..that sounded plausible. Anyway..I've got the essential part of it done, so now I can slow down a bit and get back to my default pace. Smile..

Let's see..Since I don't really have anything to write, I'll keep it really short this time. Short yet concise.

At Maghrib time yesterday, when reading Muntakhab Ahadith, I ran into this hadith that tells about the blessings behind being ill or sick. Nicely timed!

Dari Abu Hurairah ra. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barangsiapa demam satu malam, kemudian dia bersabar dan dia redha kepada Allah akan keluar dosa-dosanya sebagaimana dia baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya." (HR Ibni Abi Dunya, Targhib)

So, this leaves us no excuse not to smile even when we are sick. For a Muslim, it's always a win-win situation either he/she is sick or healthy. This is the sheer mercy of Allah swt on us the believers. Allah swt has put us in an elevated rank over the entire creation in general, and the entire mankind in particular. We need to work extra harder to live up to the status then!

So, whenever you fall ill..remember to smile, even for once. =)

p/s: Indeed, Allah swt looks at us with his mercy. If He swt looked at us with justice instead, we would've long been destroyed due to too much corruption.